Inconel X-750 is a nickel-chromium alloy similar to INCONEL alloy 600 but made precipitation hardenable by additions of aluminum and titanium. Inconel X-750 has good resistance to corrosion and oxidation along with high tensile and creep-rupture properties at temperatures to about 1300°F (700°C). Its excellent relaxation resistance is useful for high-temperature springs and bolts. Inconel X-750 is used in gas turbines, rocket engines, nuclear reactors, pressure vessels, tooling and aircraftmore
Unit of Measure







0.093 inches2.3622 mm

Nickel Alloy Compositions


Inconel® X-750

Basic Composition

1.5% Titanium 21.0% Chrominum 3.5% Nb 57.0% Nickel 7.5% Iron 8.0% Molybdenum


0.299 lbs/in³8.28 g/cm³

ASTM Specification

SAE 5542 SAE 5598 SAE MAM 5598 UNS N07750

Typical Mechanical Properties

Melting Temperature Range

2540 to 2600 ºF1390 to 1430 ºC

Rupture Strength (1000 h at 1100°F/595°C)

92000 psi630 MPa

Rupture Strength (1000 h at 1200°F/650°C)

68000 psi470 MPa

Rupture Strength (1000 h at 1350°F/730°C)

37000 psi260 MPa

Rupture Strength (1000 h at 1500°F/815°C)

16000 psi110 MPa