
Inconel® 600 Sheet
(16) Inconel 600 is a nickel-chromium alloy with good oxidation resistance at high temperatures and resistance to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking, corrosion by high-purity water, and caustic corrosion. Inconel 600 is used for furnace components, in chemical and food processing, in nuclear engineering and for sparking electrodes. Standard product forms are round, hexagon, extruded section, flats, forging stock, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/sheet.jpg
Inconel® 601 Sheet
(10) Inconel 601 is a nickel-chromium alloy with an addition of aluminum for outstanding resistance to oxidation and other forms of high-temperature corrosion. It also has high mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Inconel 601 is used for industrial furnaces; heat-treating equipment such as baskets, muffles and retorts; petrochemical and other process equipment; and gas-turbine components. Standard product forms are round, flats, forging stock, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/sheet.jpg
Inconel® 625 Sheet
(16) Inconel 625 is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with an addition of niobium that acts with the molybdenum to stiffen the alloy's matrix and thereby provide high strength without a strengthening heat treatment. The Inconel 625 resists a wide range of severely corrosive environments and is especially resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion. Inconel 625 is used in chemical processing, aerospace and marine engineering, pollution-control equipment and nuclear reactors. Standard product forms are round, flats, forging stock, extruded section, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/sheet.jpg
Inconel® 718 Sheet
(5) Inconel 718 is a precipitation-harden able, nickel-chromium alloy containing also-significant amounts of iron, niobium and molybdenum, along with lesser amounts of aluminum and titanium. It combines corrosion resistance and high strength with outstanding weld ability, including resistance to post weld cracking. Inconel 718 has excellent creep-rupture strength at temperatures to 1300°F (700°C). Inconel 718 is used in gas turbines, rocket motors, space-craft, nuclear reactors, pumps and tooling. Standard product forms are round, flats, extruded section, pipe, tube, forging stock, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/sheet.jpg
Inconel® X-750 Sheet
(8) Inconel X-750 is a nickel-chromium alloy similar to INCONEL alloy 600 but made precipitation hardenable by additions of aluminum and titanium. Inconel X-750 has good resistance to corrosion and oxidation along with high tensile and creep-rupture properties at temperatures to about 1300°F (700°C). Its excellent relaxation resistance is useful for high-temperature springs and bolts. Inconel X-750 is used in gas turbines, rocket engines, nuclear reactors, pressure vessels, tooling and aircraft structures. Standard product forms are round, flats, extruded section, forging stock, plate, sheet, strip, pipe, tube and wire. /Asset/sheet.jpg
Inconel® HX Sheet
(6) Inconel HX is a nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum alloy with outstanding strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures to 2200°F (1200°C). Matrix stiffening provided by the molybdenum content results in high strength in a solid-solution alloy having good fabrication characteristics. Inconel HX is used in gas turbines, industrial furnaces, heat-treating equipment and nuclear engineering. Standard product forms are round, extruded section, flats, forging stock, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/sheet.jpg
Inconel® C-276 Sheet
(8) Inconel® 276 is a nickel-molybdenum-chromium alloy with an addition of tungsten, having excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of severe environments. The high molybdenum content makes the alloy especially resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion. The low carbon content minimizes carbide precipitation during welding to maintain corrosion resistance in as-welded structures. Inconel 276 is used in pollution control, chemical processing, pulp and paper production, and waste treatment. Standard product forms are round, forging stock, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/sheet.jpg
Inconel® 600 Plate
(19) Inconel 600 is a nickel-chromium alloy with good oxidation resistance at high temperatures and resistance to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking, corrosion by high-purity water, and caustic corrosion. Inconel 600 is for furnace components, in chemical and food processing, in nuclear engineering and for sparking electrodes. Standard product forms are round, hexagon, extruded section, flats, forging stock, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/nickel-plate.jpg
Inconel® 601 Plate
(19) Inconel 601 is nickel-chromium alloy with an addition of aluminum for outstanding resistance to oxidation and other forms of high-temperature corrosion. It also has high mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Inconel 601 is used for industrial furnaces; heat-treating equipment such as baskets, muffles and retorts; petrochemical and other process equipment; and gas-turbine components. Standard product forms are round, flats, forging stock, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/nickel-plate.jpg
Inconel® 690 Plate
(19) Inconel 690 is a nickel-chromium alloy with an addition of aluminum for outstanding resistance to oxidation and other forms of high-temperature corrosion. It also has high mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Inconel 690 is used for industrial furnaces; heat-treating equipment such as baskets, muffles and retorts; petrochemical and other process equipment; and gas-turbine components. Standard product forms are round, flats, forging stock, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/nickel-plate.jpg
Inconel® 617 Plate
(16) Inconel 617 is a nickel-chromium-cobalt-molybdenum alloy with an exceptional combination of metallurgical stability, strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures. Resistance to oxidation is enhanced by an aluminum addition. Inconel 617 also resists a wide range of corrosive aqueous environments. Inconel 617 is used in gas turbines for combustion cans, ducting and transition liners; for petrochemical processing; for heat-treating equipment; and in nitric acid production. Standard product forms are round, forging stock, extruded section, plate, sheet, strip, pipe, tube and wire. /Asset/nickel-plate.jpg
Inconel® 622 Plate
(16) Inconel 622 is a nickel-chromium-cobalt-molybdenum alloy with an exceptional combination of metallurgical stability, strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures. Resistance to oxidation is enhanced by an aluminum addition. The alloy also resists a wide range of corrosive aqueous environments. Inconel 622 is used in gas turbines for combustion cans, ducting and transition liners; for petrochemical processing; for heat-treating equipment; and in nitric acid production. Standard product forms are round, forging stock, extruded section, plate, sheet, strip, pipe, tube and wire. /Asset/nickel-plate.jpg
Inconel® 625 Plate
(16) Inconel 625 is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with an addition of niobium that acts with the molybdenum to stiffen the alloy's matrix and thereby provide high strength without a strengthening heat treatment. Inconel 625 resists a wide range of severely corrosive environments and is especially resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion. Inconel 625 is used in chemical processing, aerospace and marine engineering, pollution-control equipment and nuclear reactors. Standard product forms are round, flats, forging stock, extruded section, pipe, tube, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/nickel-plate.jpg
Inconel® 718 Plate
(16) Inconel 718 is a precipitation-harden able, nickel-chromium alloy containing also-significant amounts of iron, niobium and molybdenum, along with lesser amounts of aluminum and titanium. It combines corrosion resistance and high strength with outstanding weld ability, including resistance to post weld cracking. Inconel 718 has excellent creep-rupture strength at temperatures to 1300°F (700°C). Inconel 718 is used in gas turbines, rocket motors, space-craft, nuclear reactors, pumps and tooling. Standard product forms are round, flats, extruded section, pipe, tube, forging stock, plate, sheet, strip and wire. /Asset/nickel-plate.jpg